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#> ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
#>  dplyr     1.1.4      readr     2.1.4
#>  forcats   1.0.0      stringr   1.5.1
#>  ggplot2   3.4.4      tibble    3.2.1
#>  lubridate 1.9.3      tidyr     1.3.0
#>  purrr     1.0.2     
#> ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
#>  dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
#>  dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
#>  Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors





years <- 20

resolution <-  10

patches <- resolution^2

seasons <- 8

steps <- years * seasons

time_step <-  1 / seasons

spatial_catchability<-  expand_grid(x = 1:resolution, y = 1:resolution) %>%
  mutate(habitat =  dnorm(x, resolution / 2, .5 *resolution) *  dnorm(y, resolution / 2, .5 * resolution)) %>% 
  mutate(habitat = habitat * (x >= 4)) 

bigeye_catchability <- spatial_catchability %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = y, values_from = habitat) %>% 
  select(-x) %>% 

fauna <- 
    "bigeye" = create_critter(
      scientific_name = "thunnus obesus",
      adult_diffusion = 10, # standard deviation of the number of patches moved by adults
      recruit_diffusion = 5,
      density_dependence = "global_ssb", 
      seasons = seasons,
      init_explt =  1,
      explt_type = "f",
      spawning_seasons = c(7),
      sigma_r = 0,
      rec_ac = 0,
      linf = 100,
      vbk = 0.2,
      age_mature = 4,
      m = 0.2,
      weight_a = 1e-4,
      weight_b = 3,
      max_age = 15,
      query_fishlife = FALSE,
      ssb0 = 42

fleets <- list(
  "longline" = create_fleet(
    list("bigeye" = Metier$new(
      critter = fauna$bigeye,
      price = 10,
      sel_form = "logistic",
      sel_start = 1,
      sel_delta = .01,
      catchability = 1e-3,
      p_explt = 1,
      spatial_catchability = bigeye_catchability
    base_effort = 0,
    resolution = resolution

# fleets <- tune_fleets(fauna, fleets) 

spatial_q_sim <- simmar(fauna = fauna,
               fleets = fleets,
               years = years)

test<- process_marlin(sim = spatial_q_sim, time_step = time_step)

test$fauna |> 
  filter(step  < 5) |> 
  group_by(step, age) |> 
  summarise(n = sum(n)) |> 
  ggplot() +
  geom_col(aes(age, n, fill = age == min(age))) +
  facet_wrap(~step) + 
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'step'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.

spatial_catchability |> 
  ggplot(aes(x,y,fill = habitat)) + 

plot_marlin(test, plot_type = "space")
#> Warning in plot_marlin(test, plot_type = "space"): Can only plot one time step
#> for spatial plots, defaulting to last of the supplied steps

plot_marlin(test, plot_type = "length", fauna = fauna, plot_var = "n")
#> Warning in plot_marlin(test, plot_type = "length", fauna = fauna, plot_var =
#> "n"): trying to plot too many steps at once, cutting down to 10
#> dropping recruits from plot since drop_recruits = TRUE