defaults to a square resolution with equal
numbers of cells in the X and Y directions for the simulation grid. But
no need for you to get stuck in a square!
The resolution
parameter allows you to specify any
rectangular shape for your simulation space.
In the example below, we’ll simulate coastal rockfish species living along a west-facing coastline with a rapid dropoff to deep waters that the species does not live in.
In this case, we’ll use the resolution
parameter to
define a system that is 6 cells wide by 42 cells tall.
Each cell will have an area of 10km2, meaning that the simulation area is 2,520 KM2 and covers roughly 132 KM “north” to “south”
options(dplyr.summarise.inform = FALSE)
theme_set(marlin::theme_marlin(base_size = 14))
resolution <- c(10,40) #specify a 10 wide by 100 tall grid
patch_area <- 10 # 10km2
years <- 10
rockfish_diffusion <- 2 #KM2 / year
We’ll now make up a habitat layer in which the species prefers to live closter to shore (with shore being on the eastern edge of the simulation space)
coastal_habitat <- expand_grid(x = 1:resolution[1], y = 1:resolution[2]) %>%
dplyr::mutate(habitat = -.2 + .2 *x,
habitat = habitat / max(habitat) * rockfish_diffusion) |>
pivot_wider(names_from = y, values_from = habitat) %>%
select(-x) %>%
And from there we pass things to the usual sets of functions
fauna <-
"rockfish" = create_critter(
common_name = "blue rockfish",
adult_diffusion = 10,
density_dependence = "post_dispersal",
habitat = coastal_habitat,
patch_area = patch_area,
seasons = 4,
fished_depletion = .25,
resolution = resolution,
steepness = 0.6,
ssb0 = 42,
m = 0.4
"lingcod" = create_critter(
common_name = "lingcod",
adult_diffusion = 10,
density_dependence = "post_dispersal",
habitat = coastal_habitat,
patch_area = patch_area,
seasons = 4,
fished_depletion = .7,
resolution = resolution,
steepness = 0.6,
ssb0 = 100,
m = 0.2
fleets <- list(
"dayboats" = create_fleet(
list("rockfish" = Metier$new(
critter = fauna$rockfish,
price = 10,
sel_form = "logistic",
sel_start = 1,
sel_delta = .01,
catchability = 0,
p_explt = 1
"lingcod" = Metier$new(
critter = fauna$lingcod,
price = 10,
sel_form = "logistic",
sel_start = 1,
sel_delta = .01,
catchability = 0,
p_explt = 1
base_effort = prod(resolution),
resolution = resolution
fleets <- tune_fleets(fauna, fleets, tune_type = "depletion")
start_time <- Sys.time()
coastline_sim <- simmar(fauna = fauna,
fleets = fleets,
years = years)
Sys.time() - start_time
#> Time difference of 0.4481239 secs
processed_coastline <- process_marlin(coastline_sim, keep_age = FALSE)
plot_marlin(`Coastline Simulation` = processed_coastline, plot_type = "space")
#> Warning in plot_marlin(`Coastline Simulation` = processed_coastline, plot_type
#> = "space"): Can only plot one time step for spatial plots, defaulting to last
#> of the supplied steps

Rectangular simulation of a coastal rockfish species